What a great place for me to start, OpenStreetMap is finally getting some of the recognition it deserves with an open innovation award. This was awarded by NESTA to CloudMade in the category of crowdsourcing.
"[Cloudmade] Selected for its innovative business structure and multilayered approach to openness. Started by the founders of Open Street Map, it employs a Wikipedia style process for producing maps by tapping into thousand of contributors around the globe. Cloudmade build programming interfaces for this mapping data so developers can build smarter maps." (NESTA)
Some great innovations are made available through CloudMade like MapZen and MapZen POI (points of interest) Collector which let you edit the mapping data and add new content. Both are simple and straight forward proving that enlightenment can be achieved though intuition.
For a while now this has been the preserve of the map geek but now they look well placed to ride the crest of the "everything location" wave.
They really do have the potential to find themselves in a brand new market place!